

Lecture: Forget “women and children first”…

….it’s usually every man for himself in maritime disasters! Pareto welcomes you to a lecture given by Mikael Elinder on social norms and survival in maritime disasters. After the sinking of the Titanic, belief has been widespread that the social… Continue reading →

13/12: New President of Pareto

Today Sara Mikkelsen resigned from the presidental position on the board because she is moving from Uppsala. The board elected Lucas Tilley as new president of the board! Congratulations!

CANCELED DUE TO ILLNESS! 6/12: An introduction to this year’s Nobel prize winning contribution in economics

Economists study how societies allocate resources. Some allocation problems are solved by the price system. In many instances, however, using the price system would encounter legal and ethical objections. Furthermore, there are many markets where the price system operates but… Continue reading →

Valmöte med Pareto!

PARETOS VALMÖTE 2012 Paretos valmöte kommer att hållas onsdagen den 26 september, kl. 16.15 i rum F416 (Ekonomikum). Alla föreningens poster, bortsett från valberedning och revisorer, tillsätts på valmötet. Välkomna! PARETO’S ELECTION MEETING 2012 Pareto’s election meeting will take place… Continue reading →

Informal board and pub meeting with Pareto!

Den 13 september kan de som är intresserade av föreningen och vår verksamhet i Pareto vara med på ett informellt styrelsemöte på Norrlands Nation kl. 18.00. Kom och umgås med oss i Pareto och få reda på mer om vår… Continue reading →

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