Adopted at the inaugural annual meeting on the 26th of September 2010.
Amended as of the annual meeting on the 12th of February 2014.
PDF version – Pareto Charter, Amended 2014


The association is named ”Pareto- Uppsalas samhällsekonomiska förening”(hereinafter referred to as Pareto), and its organization number is 802455-0991. The association’s name in English is ”Pareto- Uppsala Economic Association”. Its head quarters are located in Uppsala, Sweden.

Postal address:
Nationalekonomiska Institutionen
Uppsala Universitet
Box 513
751 20 Uppsala



1.1. The purpose of Pareto is to promote its members’ interests in the field of economics by deepening their understanding of related topics and issues. The association shall be characterized by a scholarly perspective. A diversity of scholarly views and an interdisciplinary perspective shall be encouraged in the association’s activities and operations.

1.2. An additional aim is to spread knowledge and stimulate debate about economic issues outside of Pareto’s member circle.

1.3. Pareto also seeks to promote fellowship among its members.

1.4. Pareto does not have any political, ideological or theoretical ties. The association shall therefore refrain from taking a stance on matters which are purely political, ideological or theoretical in nature. Furthermore,the association’s activities and operations shall not be influenced by political parties, employers’ associations, trade unions, or other special interest groups.



2.1. Membership is open to students and employees at Swedish colleges and universities. Membership is obtained by paying the established membership fee.

2.2. Members of the association have the right to participate in the association’s activities and operations as long as(i)this charter does not state otherwise;(ii) they have met the obligations required for participation; and (iii) the activities are not limited by practical circumstances.

2.3. Non-members shall be invited to activities intended to fulfill the purpose set forth in article 1.2. The Board can decide to administer different participation fees for non-members and members.In situations where attendance at such activities is limited, the Board can decide to give priority to members.

2.4. After obtaining the approval of the Board, members can invite acquaintances to the association’s activities.



3.1. This charter regulates the operations of the association. What is stated in this charter shall be interpreted at the member meetings.

3.2. Pareto works through its member meetings,its Board, and its Officers.

3.3. The association makes its decisions through both the Board and the member meetings. The member meetings are the highest decision-making forum.

3.4. Two regular member meetings shall be held each operational year: an annual meeting and an election meeting. The association can also summon extraordinary member meetings during the operational year.

3.5. The association’s operational year and fiscal year shall coincide with the calendar year, running from the first day of January through the last day of December.

3.6. Only members who are students on the undergraduate or graduate level maybe elected to a post in the association. The Ph.D. representative and auditors are exempt from this rule, and these posts can even be filled by non-members.

3.7. The president and the treasurer each have the individual authority to sign on behalf of the association. The Board can decide to delegate the authority of signatory to another member for particular and delimited matters.

3.8. The association’s operations shall be handled effectively and in accordance with good practice. The association’s bookkeeping and protocol shall be handled in good order and shall be understandable to outsiders.

3.9.The association shall strive for transparency and openness to its members. All documents related to the association’s operations shall be made  accessible by the Board  at the request of the members, unless there is a particular reason not to. A record must be kept if members are denied access to documents, and the documents shall later be made available when there are no longer grounds for retaining them.

3.10. Two auditors, who are to be chosen at the annual meeting, shall verify that the operations of the association and the work of the Board are in compliance with the charter. At their request,the auditors shall always be given full access to all of the association’s documents. The auditors also have the right to attend and speak at member meetings and Board meetings. The Board may not appoint a temporary acting auditor if one of the auditor posts becomes vacant;rather, the vacant post must be filled at the next member meeting. In the case that both auditor posts become vacant, an extraordinary member meeting shall be arranged as soon as possible for the purpose of holding a by-election.



4.1. The summoning to the member meetings and the agenda proposed by the Board shall be presented to members no later than fourteen days before the meeting.

4.2. A protocol of the proceedings at the member meeting shall be recorded. This protocol shall be adjusted by the meeting chairman and the two adjusters that were elected at the member meeting, after which it shall be made available to members of the association upon request.

4.3. The election committee shall consist of two people chosen at the annual meeting. If one of the positions on the election committee becomes vacant, the Board may fill this position under the advisement of the auditors. Prior to the member meeting, the election committee’s task is to advertise which posts are to be filled and to find suitable candidates for these positions. Additionally, the election committee shall receive all in coming motions, nominations, and proposals for other questions.

4.4. Proposals to add new items to the agenda shall be adopted by a simple majority. However, at member meetings other than the annual meeting and the election meeting, any new items must be related to the specific purpose that the extra ordinary meeting was summoned for.

4.5. The meeting chairman and meeting secretary at the member meeting do not need to be members of the association, but in the case that they are non-members, they will not have voting rights.

4.6. If a by-election is arranged, the appointments made at the by-election are valid until the next election meeting, with the exception of the auditor posts, treasurer and the election committee, which are valid until the next annual meeting.



5.1. The annual meeting shall be held, at the latest, by the end of February each year.

5.2. The yearly report, the financial report, and any notices from the auditors shall be enclosed with the summoning of the meeting.

5.3. The auditors and the election committee for the coming operational year shall be chosen at the annual meeting.

5.4. The following topics shall be considered at the annual meeting:
a) Opening of the meeting
b) Establishment of the voting list and attendance record
c) Approval of the summoning to the meeting
d) Approval of the agenda
e) Election of the meeting chairman and the meeting secretary
f) Election of two adjusters to the protocol (who shall also count votes)
g) Approval of the annual report and the financial report
h) Audit report
i) Relief of duty for resigning board members
j) Reading of received motions
k) By-election
l) Election of auditors
m) Election of election committee
n) Other questions
o) Notices
p) Closing of the meeting



6.1.The election meeting shall be held, at the latest, by the end of September.

6.2. Appointments to all posts in the association, with the exception of the election committee and the auditors, shall last from the election meeting at which they were made until the following year’s election meeting.

6.3. The following topics shall be considered at the annual meeting: a) Openingofthe meeting b) Establishmentofthe votinglistand attendancerecord c) Approvalofthe summoningto the meeting d) Approvalofthe agenda e) Election ofthe meetingchairman and meetingsecretary f) Election oftwo adjusterstothe protocol (whoshallalso countvotes) g) Words fromthe board h) Election oftheassociation’s posts i) Reading of received motions j) Other questions k) Notices l) Closingof the meeting



7.1. An extraordinary member meeting shall be held at the request of the Board. An extraordinary member meeting shall also be held if at least thirty members or, alternatively, a fourth of the members in the association make a written request to the Board; in this case, the meeting shall be held within four weeks.

7.2. The Board shall give notice of the specific matters for which the extraordinary meeting was summoned, and only these particular matters may be dealt with at the meeting.

7.3. The following topics shall be addressed in addition to the matters for which the additional meeting was summoned: a) Openingofthe meeting b) Establishmentofthe votinglistand attendancerecord c) Approval ofthe summoningto the meeting d) Approvalofthe agenda e) Election ofthe meetingchairman and meetingsecretary f) Election oftwo adjusterstothe protocol (whoshallalso countvotes) g) Closingof the meeting



8.1. Prior to the member meetings, members have the right to submit motions, nominations for advertised posts and other questions. Motions and others questions shall, at the latest, be provided to the election committee one week prior to the meeting. Nominations for advertised posts can be made up until the election.

8.2. Received motions, nominations and other questions shall be made available to members of the association as soon as possible after they are received.

8.3. At the member meeting, members are entitled to press for amendments to the motions that will be dealt with at the meeting. These changes may not significantly differ from the original motion in terms of subject matter. The amended motion shall not replace the original motion;rather, both motions shall remain up for discussion at the meeting.



9.1. Decisions reached at the member meetings are valid when the summoning to the meeting has occurred in accordance with the charter.

9.2. Members are entitled to attend the member meeting. If members are hindered from attending for some reason which the association could reasonably have been expected to prevent, then the decisions reached at the member meetings are no longer valid. Members also have the right to speak and make nominations at the member meeting.

9.3. The member meeting may co-opt non-members.

9.4. Voting rights at the member meeting are given to attending members. Members are not permitted to give someone else the right to vote in their place, nor can they vote from another location (for example, by post).

9.5. Decisions at the member meeting are reached by a simple majority unless otherwise specified in the charter. Voting shall occur openly. However, in the election of individual candidates, a closed vote can be carried out if at least one member makes a request and at least a third of those with voting rights sanction this request through a vote on the issue.

9.6. In the event of a tie vote, the outcome shall be decided by the vote of the person who was acting President at the start of the member meeting. However, in the election of individual candidates, the outcome shall be decided via lottery.

9.7. Motions for the postponement of matters shall be settled by a simple majority. The matter shall later be dealt with at a time decided upon at the annual meeting.



10.1. Decisions to amend the charter can be made at the ordinary member meetings. However, if deemed necessary by the Board, an extraordinary member meeting may be summoned for the purpose of amending the charter.

10.2. Decisions regarding amendments to the charter must be accepted by at least a two- thirds majority.

10.3. If amendments to the charter are decided upon at the yearly meeting,the Board is responsible for the provision of future drafts. There visions must be approved by the Board with at least a two-thirds majority. The vote shall only concern whether the amendments solely and in their entirety cover the decisions which were reached at the annual meeting.

10.4. Until a revised charter is approved, the earlier charter together with the accepted amendments shall constitute the charter of the association.



11.1. The Board shall consist of a minimum of four and a maximum of 15 regular members, including the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and up to 11 additional Officers. The positions of President and Treasurer can only be held by members who have been on the board for at least four months prior to taking over the position. The ordinary election of the Treasurer is to be held on the annual meeting, this to ensure a smooth transition period for successive treasurers. It is recommended that the treasurer speaks Swedish. Board members hold the right of initiative and the right to vote at Board meetings.

11.2. A Ph.D. representative with considerable knowledge about economics and related subjects shall be elected at the election meeting to serve as an adjunct to the Board. The representative shall hold a doctorate degree and need not be a member of the association. The representative shall serve an advisory role to the Board, particularly concerning matters of an academic nature. The representative has the right to attend and speak at meetings, as well as the right of initiative; however, the representative does not have voting rights.

11.3. Members are entitled to attend and speak at Board meetings.

11.4. The Board is a quorum when all Board members have been summoned and at least two-thirds of the Board members, including either the president or the vice president, are present.

11.5. The Board can co-opt non-members.

11.6. The member meetings serve as the forum through which the Board is held accountable to members of the association.

11.7. The Board is responsible for the over all operations of the association. The Board is also responsible for summoning the member meetings and implementing the decisions made at the member meetings.

11.8. Within the bounds of the member meetings’guidelines, the Board makes decisions about the use of the association’s funds.

11.9. The association’s membership fee is determined by the Board.

11.10. The Board meetings shall be held as needed on a regular basis.

11.11. A protocol of the Board meetings shall be recorded.  This protocol shall be adjusted by the president as well as two elected adjusters, after which it shall be made available to members of the association upon request.

11.12. If one of the elected posts becomes vacant, the Board can decide to appoint a replacement to serve in the vacant position until the next member meeting, at which time a by-election shall be held. If the president’s post becomes vacant, the vice president shall serve as the acting president until the next member meeting.

11.13. The Vice President shall serve as President in the event that the President cannot be present. The Vice President, the Secretary and the Treasurer do not have a deputy to fill their role in their absence. In the case of both President and Vice President being absent, the board reserves the right to elect a deputy to fill in their gap for that particular occasion only. In case the the Secretary or the Treasurer are absent, the board reserves the right to elect a deputy to fill in their gap for that particular occasion only.



12.1. The ongoing operations of the association are carried out by the association’s officers. The operations shall be divided into areas of responsibility as described in section 13 below. Two officers shall be selected for each area of responsibility,and they shall share the responsibility for their duties. The officers shall be elected at the member meeting: one will serve as member of the Board,while the other will be a deputy who serves as a substitute in the Board member’s absence.

12.2. The officers shall report their activities to the board and shall be held accountable by the Board.

12.3. Members of the association can freely choose to be engaged in all of the association’s areas of responsibilities through which the majority of the operation’s work is conducted. The primary task of the officers is to lead and coordinate this work.



13.1. The President shall be responsible for the Board’s work, including summoning the Board meetings and ensuring that matters are dealt with and decisions are reached.

13.2. The Vice President shall be responsible for special activities in the association and for coordination of the association’s different areas of responsibility.

13.3. The Secretary shall be responsible for the association’s membership records and administrative records in accordance with good practice.

13.4. The Treasurer shall take care of the association’s book keeping and manage its assets.

13.5. The ongoing operations of the association are carried out by the Officers. Officers are responsible for organizing activities intended to fulfill the goals of the association as described in articles 1.1-1.3 (for example, seminars, discussions, public debates, lectures, social events and advertisement of such events). They are also responsible for maintaining contact and relations with parties outside of the association in order to promote the association’s general goals and the member’s interests. Officers may organize this work in the best way that they see fit for each particular operational year, though they shall report their activities to the Board and the Board shall hold them accountable for their work.



14.1. If a member wishes to withdraw from the association, they shall inform the board in writing. Their membership will be withdrawn when this letter is handed to the board. Any outstanding member fees shall not be refunded.

14.2. A member may only be expelled from the association if they clearly and deliberately work against the purpose of the association, hamper the association’s activities, or violate the association’s charter.

14.3. Decisions regarding a member’s expulsion must be reached unanimously by the board. If a decision is being made about the expulsion of an officer, then this officer shall not have voting rights on the matter. Any member who is subject to a vote on expulsion shall be informed and shall be encouraged to comment on the issue before the voting takes place. If the board decides to expel a member, the member shall be promptly informed about their expulsion and the reasons why they were expelled. The expelled member shall also be informed that they are able to appeal their expulsion at the next member meeting.



15.1. Recommendation for the dissolution of the association shall be handled at one of the association’s regular member meetings.

15.2. In order to be valid, decisions about dissolution require at least a fourth-fifths majority at two member meetings in a row. There must be at least six months and at most thirteen months between these two member meetings.

15.3. In the case of dissolution, any assets remaining after liquidation shall be distributed to purposes which promote the association’s goals, primarily at Uppsala University.